Monday, June 30, 2008

Dear Friends,

Tonight has been such a amazing time for me. For the 1st time since I had my liver transplant I read every Blog that was posted to me from the beginning. I feel quite emotional at this moment to say the least. It has brought back such a flood of memories on how much all of you were there for me and Brian during our very hard time. Your love and support really did hold us together along with all your wonderful notes that you wrote to us. I feel so overwhelmed to have such wonderful people of God there for me in a time of need. I have confidence not only in my GOD but also in the prayers of all of you. Not a one of you will ever be forgotten to me. All I can say is thank you and I love you.

Bethani R.

p.s. oh ya and if you were wanting to know I'm doing incredible physically. Pics coming soon I promise.


Susan Hill said...

Bethani, We are so thilled that you are still doing so well, Our prayers have remained with you! I'm glad you were able to read all of the posts, the were encouraging to all of us out here who felt so helpless at the time, just watching, waiting, and praying! We love you dearly!!

Mom of 4 said...

Bethani, Brian & Wyatt,
We love you all so much and still continue to pray for you! So glad to hear you are feeling great and doing so well! It is always such a joy to see reminds me of the goodness of God every time I see your beautiful smile Bethani!

Much love and many blessings!
The Spacek Family

Jana Allard said...

It is so good to hear this great report. Bethani, I never doubted for a minute that God was going to take care of you. He will continue to strengthen you and bless your little family. God is so good! I love you dearly.

Jen said...

I continue to think of you so often. I am so glad you are doing well. Wyatt is such an adorable kiddo!!!!
You inspire me!!!!
Each day I learn a little more and the more I learn the more I see what an amazing God we have and how lucky and honored we are to praise and serve him!!!!
Love you,
Jen Payne

Anonymous said...

Hi Bethany, I don't know that you have time for me, but my story is at and I am destined to have a liver transplant soon. In the next few months I'd say.

What I can't seem to find out is a personal story on post transplant recovery and how bad it really is.

Of course, I'm a tough guy scared shirtless if you know what I mean, and I'm sure you do.

How bad was it? How long was it before you were even feeling halfway normal? What does my wife and primary caregiver to expect?

It's the not knowing that is the worst. Doctors won't say anything because they say everyone has different responses, but there has to be some sort of 'basic' list of things to expect and tips and tricks that only someone who has been there can provide.

Can you do that for me? I would greatly appreciate it. It doesn't have to be a long drawn out process, I am just in the dark and was recently diagnosed with HCC primary liver cancer and cirrosis so it's transplant or nothing in my case.

Bless you and yours and I read so much about people dying while waiting on the list and post surgery complications that coming across you saying you feel great is a true blessing!

Marvin (

Karen J. Hopper said...

What a wonderful, inspiring report. It is overwhelming His goodness - and His healing power. Love you dearly, and plan to keep you, Brian and Wyatt in our prayers as you do need that backyard for Wyatt.

Rachel Schneider said...

Your message means so much to me, I have been so affected by your situation! You have really inspired me in my own life. I will continue to pray for you and your family!

iluv2prshim said...

Bethani, This is such good news. So thankful you are doing great. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.